Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So Love Does Conquer All, Today I chose joy over pain and it worked.

Today I decided to not say one word about something that's been on my mind for the last three days. I received some news and it wasn't the news I wanted to hear. So I started to linger on the issue a bit. I began to get more and more angry thinking to myself, I have to confront this. I wanted to tell everyone about this and make "certain people" look pretty darn bad. I vented to my best friend, my mother, my sister, even my daughter and they all understood my frustrations and could see why I felt so cheated. But they all said one thing that was very similar,  " Tinzley, your day is coming!" Yeah Yeah Yeah I thought to myself.

I mean how can you play by all the rules and do it with ease, yet it not even seem to matter? How can someone lift you up and in the blink of an eye tear you down? How can all you do and have done not matter? How can you even look at me? I wanted to gossip, I wanted to confront, I wanted to judge and compare others to me, I wanted to get smart, I wanted to be a complete monster,I wanted answers and I wanted them NOW!

Then something happened, each day I prayed and realized my own value, my own worth, all I have accomplished, my ability to connect with people, my ability to not need other peoples approval to define me, my ability to know that everyone doesn't have to like me or be impressed by me for me to feel good about myself. My loyalty, my love for others, my confidence without anyone having to tell me I'm awesome. I thought about how far I'd come, all the great relationships I've formed along the way, all the people whose lives I've impacted along the way. My bright smile, my warm heart, my passion for service. And the list could go on for days.

I realized that each day I felt a little better, the news wasn't so hard to bear after all. I thought about what truly motives me and it's not how many people approve, or like me. It's not how many people nominate me or select me, no what motivates me is Love despite of, love even when I'm angry, love even when I'm sad, love when I don't feel like it, love when it doesn't seem to make since.

Today I felt like a new person and I told a few people how much I appreciate them. I over looked the negative and focused on the positive. I realized just how great things are as they are and how things will happen for me,just as they should. I realized that love conquers all. Now I don't have any energy left to gossip, confront, be mean, or display anger. I just allowed my joy to out way my pain and I feel great!

I know there will be disappointments in our lives and it's okay to mourn. It's okay to feel sad and feel hurt, you're only human and you have feelings. But try resting your anger for a few days, just let it be yours and no one else's. It's okay to vent, but only to those you trust. You will begin to notice it's not worth the argument, it's not unbearable, and mostly, it's not the end of the world. Put your anger on timeout, and then it will gradually begin to time out.

Tinzley Bradford

Monday, May 24, 2010

Today, is the beginning of a brand new day....Leave your worries behind

Today, I decided to not worry, not let little things get under my skin, not stress over things, not worry about my job, not carry unhappy thoughts around, not neglect myself, not neglect my family, not say mean things to people that I'll never be able to take back, forgive everyone who has ever hurt or disappointed me.

I already feel this weight lifting up off of me. I feel free like I can start over and catch up, like I can start fresh and still excel  , like it's nothing I can't do. Today I will tell someone else to do the same, I will tell someone else to go for the gold and reach for the stars. Today I will smile and hope my positive energy spreads to many many people who need it. Today I place all my worries in Gods hands and know that everything is going to be okay for you and for me. Whoever you are, just know that even if no one else has said this to you in a while; I love you, you are a beautiful person, you are a smart person, there is nothing you can't do, you too should leave your worries behind and start today fresh.

When it's all said and done, you are more valuable than you think.

Tinzley Bradford

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The smallest things can be the largest things ....

I created this blog because I wanted to share the good things I have done and allow others to come and share the good things they've done. This story which talks about how HomeDepot at the spur of the moment, brought a simple wish alive for the sister of a dying lady. The wish was to give her sister the gift of a beautiful garden to look at, during her last days here on earth. Here is the link:

I tell you, to complain about what we don't have, what we wish we had, and what we want, can make us all look pretty selfish when all this beautiful lady Elizabeth wanted was a garden. Be thankful for all you have, every chance you get do something good, give the gift of love even to a stranger. Home Depot did...

Tinzley Bradford

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I realized what truly inspires me,

That smile I give to even strangers.( A smile from you can bring out the best in others.)

Letting people get in front of me in traffic. (It's just traffic, it's not their fault.)

Being  patient with people and situations that I have no control over.( I don't roll my eyes, I just listen.)

My ability to connect with others on a personal level. (It's not just about me.)

Holding the door while the mother and her 4 kids walk out.(Just a few seconds of my time to make something easier for someone else.)

Going to work and giving 110 percent everyday, despite of.( It's all about the customers, not me.I know the right people already see me)

Paying my mortgage each month. (What a blessing it is to have a home, even though two rooms and a bed would suffice.)

Telling someone if they need me for anything just let me know.( And meaning it)

Being there for my daughter and my family.( No matter what )

Smiling at a little toddler and it's proud parents.( Priceless )

Knowing that life is what I make it, and choosing joy over pain.( No one said it would be easy

Being a no nonsense type of woman.( Keeps me out of trouble )

Living for God no matter what the naysayers do.( It's not about anyone else, He created this world and everything in it.)

Telling someone who I care about, that I love them.( It means a lot to people )

Performing simple acts of kindness just because.Sometimes the smallest act, can be the most powerful. Keep doing good...

So, take a few minutes and just share, what inspires you? 

Tinzley Bradford

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today make it about you.. Work on you when needed.

How are ya feeling these days? Are you feeling fresh and renewed or overwhelmed with no clue? If you chose the latter you may need to seek ways to make "yourself" feel better. There are many reasons people feel overwhelmed and there are many ways to tone things down a bit in your life, that you may not feel have been causing this feeling. I have put together a few things that may cause one to be overwhelmed and a few ways to alleviate the feeling.

1.Wanting everyone to like you and doing way too much to try to make them. This causes stress and unnecessary worry in your own life. Expecting a certain reaction when you do or say something and when you don't get it, you sit and wonder if that person likes you or not. You then try other things and ways to make them appear to like you. This is ridiculous to me. There is a lot you could be doing with all your positive energy that doesn't include trying to be a "people pleaser." Try smiling, treating the person nice, but not stressing yourself out for their approval. What it all boils down to is, "everyone's not meant to be your friend!" Embrace the loyal, positive, fun ones you have and leave the dry ones thirsty for attention. Trust me, once they see you aren't as active with them,they will then try to do things to bond with you. Then maybe they will began to like you on their own.

2.Taking on more than you can handle, and knowing it. Are you that "yes" person who just doesn't know how to say no or maybe without feeling you've let someone down? I used to be that person, but not anymore. If you want to appear on top of everything to the point you take on everything, eventually the stress will catch up with you and you will crash and burn. Can I say be productive, but keep it balanced in your life? Don't worry if you can't get to it, someone will. Even though you may be excellent at what you do, you are not captain savior and there is only so much you should truly say you can do. Even with friends, if you usually come to events and this time you can't make it or don't feel like it, just say it.This gives you time to change your mind should you decide to go anyway, instead of feeling obligated to go because you promised weeks ago. Then your appearance will be a pleasant surprise. And you can say "I" decided to come, had a little extra time.

3.If you're happy great,if you're not happy find things to brighten your day. Walking around trying to fake it can become a huge burden on your shoulders. If you are miserable you can only hide it so long before the horns start to pop up and you find yourself snapping on that person at work who only asked you where the printer paper is kept. People don't think this really works, but breathing in and out really slow can relieve tension. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Go ahead try it! Hmmmm feels good doesn't it? Try meditating on what you feel maybe making you unhappy and work on it. If it's money problems ask a friend for a loan, you'll be surprised how many people are willing to jump in for a friend in need, even if you didn't want to have to ask. Go stand outside and just look at the trees as they wave at you, look at the sky and how pretty it is. Smile and think of good things you have done for someone. What ever you do find out the source of your misery and work towards healing. You will be surprised at how many therapist and experts have blogs and articles that fit issues that may cause unhappiness. Google search and read your way to self improvement. Trust me, this will make you happy.

4.Saying things you don't really mean. If you say something mean it. If not you will then have to explain why you said it in the first place. Example, if someone asks you if you like key lime pie and you say yes it's good. Then two days later they show up all excited with a fresh key lime pie for you and you say," Nice, but I don't really care for key lime pie." How do you explain that? How do you think that would make someone feel, even you? Say what you mean and mean what you say.

The good I see in this is making positive change in not only your life, but others as well. When you feel well, everyone you come in contact with has a better chance of feeling well too.There are many things that cause unhappiness or misery that you can control, you just have to start doing it. I would share more, but I have to get ready for work. Besides, I don't need the stress of being late for no real reason. Good day and I hope this article sheds some light. Thanks for visiting.

Tinzley Bradford

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do something good, tell someone something nice today.

Have you ever felt that you don't know where you stand or where you should stand? You felt uncertain of what your next steps are or what your next steps should be. You didn't know if your best was good enough or simply not enough.  Like you have drive that's faster than the average person and at times too fast for even you to keep up with?

If so what do you do about it? How do you approach or handle it? Let me tell you what I did today.
Today I told someone how creative, talented and awesome they are. I did this because they are and because they needed to hear it. I notice many times people may feel they are doing good, but just don't quite know for sure. ( And barely hear it from the "right people.")The olden days of doing good, working hard, and being recognized for the outstanding job has changed a little. These days you must toot your own horn every now and then just to let other people know, you are confident, dependable, and knowledgeable at what you do, that's why you're still doing it. And doing it well!

People are afraid to speak highly of themselves which is understandable, they don't want to come across as a bragger; so why not do it for them?

I told this person the kind words because it made me feel good to make them feel good. I think when you share kind words, they will come back to you ten fold. It's funny because the moment I told the person these things, a heavy weight just lifted off my shoulders and I could think, breath, and see clearly. I could tell what I said made this persons day and for the remainder of the day,I could hear the energy and confidence through their voice. They felt like they could take on the world. They felt like there was nothing they couldn't do. They felt like they should always feel.

 Do something good, tell someone something nice today.

Tinzley Bradford

Friday, May 7, 2010

There are ways to not let "it" become you. Embrace the differences in others.

What do you do when you've done all you can, when you've given your all, when you've worked extra hard, yet still you seem to feel this tension? Well, you just keep doing all you can, giving your all and working extra hard. Chances are, the person making you feel tense, could be going through the same thing you are, or worse. (people are strange little beings)

Today I didn't allow that to bother me, I held my head up high, kept a smile on my face, and did a heck of a job. I used to let the vibes I picked up from others interfere with the way I was feeling. I didn't understand why or how a person one day could smile, treat you like a jewel, and make you feel special. Then the next day look at you like you stole something, barely speak and make you feel like crap? I finally realized after taking it personally one too many times, that people are different. Many of them have other things going on that they may not know how to hide or handle, therefore they tend to show their emotions towards whoever steps in front of them next. Even if you've done nothing but an awesome job the entire time they've known you. Just be thankful you don't have burdens you wear everyday.

I later realized that, I have to continue to be proud of myself and know my value no matter what someone else may try to do to make me feel less than a person. I have to know that the differences in others is what makes them unique and it's not always my job to get them told, or show them a thing or two; it's my job to embrace what I have no control over. To love even when I don't feel it back, to smile even when I feel like crying, to share nice thoughts even when I may want to curse someone out, and to embrace the differences of others, even when I want to cut them off.

This makes a difference in your balance, your mental stability and your joy. If you weigh yourself down with other peoples burdens, you'll never see above solid ground. The good I see in this is, being the loving, caring, kind person you always are may very much be what others need.

Let "your" light shine!

Tinzley Bradford

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Today I gave kudos to three women with a cause...

Today while on Twitter, I noticed a tweet from twitter user who I follow "@Bethebutterfly." It was titled " 3 Inspiring Women Who Are Helping To Heal The Planet 

I enjoy knowing and reading about people who inspire others so I immediately visited the link she provided. When I read the article, I felt like I'd been re-born. I felt like for a few minutes the nation was a place free of pollution, and everyone was on the same page, and change was being made in millions of peoples lives all because these three women chose to use their lives to make a difference.

I thought about how brave this is of them and how if only we all chose our lives to make a difference in the lives of millions, what a world this would be. I know it's tough trying to figure out that" thing" you do so well, that "difference" you hold the key to making. Trying to figure out what it is you can do to contribute. Can I say just reading about others is a huge start. Sharing the great things others do with your friends and family,spreading the word every chance you get is a huge start to change.

Just think about the millions who will read about these women and other people just like them.

These three women in the article I read aren't the first who have chose this route in their lives and I'm sure they won't be the last, but let their lives inspire yours, then you can take baby steps towards positive change. and realize what that "thing" is you were meant to do.There's a reason for everything, you have a purpose; try to figure it out.

Tinzley Bradford